Tuesday, November 27, 2007

you've seen this before...

A common tale in the blogosphere:

Early excitement and production after creating a new blog. Aspirations for success and great promise of continuously fresh content are held. Family members and friends are told, "check out my blog." The url is posted on a facebook or AIM profile with the hope that random internet traffic will increase blog hits.

Then reality sets in with Midterms, homework, and then The Daily Show writers go on strike forcing Comedy Central to air reruns.

Sadly, this story is mine.

I have neglected this blog for sometime now. But I pledge to get back on the horse now that the storm of other obligations has cleared.

I have plenty of half baked rants saved on my laptop and the egg timer is ticking down.

Fresh new post are soon to come...

1 comment:

Shelley said...

You should add some of the last paragraph from your first post on this blog to your "about me." Then people will know what Equal Eye is all about!

P.S. Blog something you slacker!